Friday, November 13, 2009

Zeolite Seminar

Learn how the Zeolite mineral works and how it benefits your body at this informative and free seminar. You will see how easily and effectively you can Detoxify, Mineralize and Alkalinize your body.

Zeolite Seminar
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
7:00 pm
Blackridge Chiropractic
1495 S Blackridge, Suite A-210
St George, UT

Email to register or for more information.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Zeolite and Chernobyl

Zeolite was used during the Chernobyl disaster - a huge amount (500,000 tons) of zeolite was used in and around the Chernobyl reactors. It was used to decontaminate the reactors, people and the soil reducing Cs radiation as much as 95%. The majority of the zeolite was used for the construction of protective barriers and for agricultural applications in polluted areas. Children were fed cookies and biscuits laden with zeolite to help remove radiation from their bodies while dairy cows were also fed zeolite to remove radiation from their milk.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Life Expo

The Washington City Community Center in Washington, Utah invites you to be a part of Health,
Wellness and Fitness Event September 21st – 26th. The event is two‐part: Fitness
Week and the LIFE Expo 2009. Fitness Week will begin Monday, September 21st and
run through Saturday, September 26th. For this week the Community Center Fitness
Department & Staff invite the public to workout for FREE! That’s FREE workouts for
everyone in group exercise classes, group exercise special events, and our state‐ofthe‐
art fitness equipment.

Fitness Week will culminate in a Health, Wellness and Fitness Expo called the
LIFE Expo 2009 on Friday and Saturday. The theme of the event is: WHAT IS LIFE?
The goal of the Expo is to showcase ways in which one can live their life to the fullest
through committing to a healthier lifestyle.

Come visit the LIFE Expo and check out the Zeolite booth to win free product and try free samples.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Good News and Bad News

I went to my urologist yesterday to see if there were any new treatments or procedures for Interstitial Cystitus (IC). I'm not interested in pharmaceuticals that have a million side effects. I was hoping for some type of laser surgery or something like that.

Bad News: Unfortunately, there isn't anything new. We talked for a bit about the improvements I'm seeing with Zeolite and trying to change my diet to less acidic foods.

I told him I was a little concerned because I was having some additional pain where I haven't seen it before even though I'm able to wait for longer periods of time before using the bathroom. He asked me what type of IC I had and I guess I didn't realize there were 3 types. I didn't really know so he looked back through my file.

Evidently I have all 3 types: ulcers in the bladder, the lining is thinning, and bumps on the lining. I hope I got that right. He informed me there isn't a cure, just various types of treatments which don't always work. I was on Elmiron and Amitryptiline for 9 months but didn't feel good taking those drugs especially the anti-depressant.

Good News: But the additional pain I'm experiencing is kind of good in a way. I've been able to wait longer to go to the bathroom most of the time, but in doing so, it causes some tearing of the lining and slight bleeding occurs which results in pain. But this is a good sign because he said it's trying to heal and the bladder is expanding.

Then he told me that he was "proud" of me. This statement took me a little by surprise and also made me tear up. He said many of his patients that are in the same condition as I am, end up in the emergency room every 2-3 weeks because they can't deal with the pain. And there are others who take a lot of pain medication and then move on to narcotics which actually exacerbate the pain over time. He is impressed and pleased that I am trying to make changes without drugs.

In addition, he checked my pH level and it is now at 7. This is where is should be. When I first started using Zeolite it was at 5.8.

So even though he tells me there isn't a cure, I'm going to prove him wrong. I believe that by providing an alkaline environment through the use of Zeolite, and eating and drinking properly, I CAN reverse this condition.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

FHE Blog and Sponsor Give-Away Starts Today!

The Give-Away
Mineral Facial Bag with 1/4 lb. of the Zeolite mineral
How To Enter
Read a post or two about Zeolite and leave a comment on the FHE Blog
Feel free to leave a comment here too!
Additional Entries
Visit FHE Blog for more entries
and feel free to follow this blog!
Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Interstitial Cystitus (IC) Update

Length of IC Symptoms
10+ years
I Began Taking Zeolite
January 2009
My Status Pre-Zeolite:
Visited my second home (the bathroom) at least 25 times in a 24 hour period
(This includes getting up 5-6 times during the night!)
Bladder Pain Level on a Scale of 1-10 (10 being the most painful):
Ranged from 5-10
Status Today:
Visits my second home between 12-15 times in a 24 hour period
Bladder Pain Level:
Ranges from 0-8
Am I completely free from IC symptoms?
Is my quality of life better?
You bet and improving every day!
I'm just saying!
And I am hearing of wonderful results from so many friends and new customers who have improvement from allergies, ulcers, joint pain, arthritus, and more.
Is Zeolite a cure-all?
Absolutely not. But what it does do is

so that your body can heal and function the way it should.

Try it for yourself.

Join this blog and then email me to get a sample today.

Zeolite is powerful, effective, and 100% pure and natural.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sebaceous or Epidurmal Cysts

I did an experiment recently. I have had a small sebaceous cyst (also called epidurmal cyst) on my right leg about 2-3 inches below my knee for several years. It's NOT painful, and my doctor has told me it poses NO health threat.

It's just annoying for me to have it. I already hate the look of my legs because of varicose veins and I don't like them, but short of having them surgically removed, I don't see a way out right now. But I thought maybe there is something I can do at home about this pesky little cyst.

I have been using Zeolite as a facial and also taking it internally each morning for a several months. But a few months ago, whenever I did a facial, which is usually once or twice a week, I took a little of the paste and put a dab on the cyst.

Lo and behold, it has almost completely disappeared.

I have heard of great results with people taking Zeolite who have cancerous tumors, so why shouldn't it help with a harmless sebaceous cyst? Well it did and I am thrilled.
Bonus Information for You:
A sebaceous cyst is a closed sac occurring just under the skin which contains a "pasty" or "cheesy" looking substance. A foul odor is also often present in the substance called keratin which fills sebaceous cysts. (No my leg doesn't stink - it's only when you open it up) Keratin is a protein that creates the sac of cells called sebaceous cysts. The bumps or lumps you can feel under your skin are actually the sac of cells. They are often the result of swollen hair follicles, or skin trauma.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Loving Life

I love life! The other day a boy texted a question to my 16-year old daughter on her cell phone as they were trying to get to know each other "What do you love most about life"? She really struggled with that question for some reason. She loves to do many things: dancing, texting, gymnastics, going to movies, kissing boys (yikes!), but she wasn't quite sure how to answer the question. We talked about it for a while, and I wasn't much help except to say, "well don't you just love the fact that you ARE LIVING"?

We are so blessed in this country with wonderful technology to make our life easier and more entertaining. And yet, with all the great advances of our modern day life, we pay a price. The pollution that is generated each day from this wonderful technology has extraordinary impact on our health and most of us don't realize it until it's too late. There are silent stalkers out there that you need to be aware of: toxic heavy metals and chemicals are everywhere and our bodies are taking a toll. Loving life and being able to live it to the fullest degree should be something we spend some time thinking about and then doing something about it.

Let me give you a quick little primer on these demons called heavy metals:
Heavy metals are natural components of the Earth's crust. They cannot be degraded or destroyed. To a small extent they enter our bodies via food, drinking water and air. As trace elements, some heavy metals (e.g. copper, selenium, zinc) are essential to maintain the metabolism of the human body. However, at higher concentrations they can lead to poisoning. Heavy metal poisoning could result, for instance, from drinking-water contamination (e.g. lead pipes), high ambient air concentrations near emission sources, or intake via the food chain.
Heavy metals are dangerous because they tend to bioaccumulate. Bioaccumulation means an increase in the concentration of a chemical in a biological organism over time, compared to the chemical's concentration in the environment. Compounds accumulate in living things any time they are taken up and stored faster than they are broken down (metabolized) or excreted.
Heavy metals can enter a water supply by industrial and consumer waste, or even from acidic rain breaking down soils and releasing heavy metals into streams, lakes, rivers, and groundwater. Read more:

According the United States Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration, " Toxic metals, including "heavy metals," are individual metals and metal compounds that negatively affect people's health. In very small amounts, many of these metals are necessary to support life. However, in larger amounts, they become toxic. They may build up in biological systems and become a significant health hazard". Below are some of the toxic metals you should be aware of:

  • Arsenic: Exposure to high levels of arsenic can cause death.
  • Beryllium: Elemental beryllium has a wide variety of applications. Beryllium can cause sensitization, lung and skin disease.
  • Cadmium: Cadmium is an extremely toxic metal.
  • Hexavalent Chromium: Calcium chromate, chromium trioxide, lead chromate, strontium chromate, and zinc chromate are known human carcinogens.
  • Lead: Occupational exposure to lead is one of the most prevalent overexposures. Industries with high potential exposures include construction work, most smelter operations, radiator repair shops, and firing ranges.
  • Mercury: Of all the toxic exposures, mercury is without a doubt the most destructive. It is a dealy neurotoxin causing psychological, neurological, enzymatic, and immunological problems. Mercury contributes to or causes all known illnesses including autism, autoimmune diseases, Alzheimer's diseases, cancers, heart disease, endocrine problems, and neurological and behavioral disorders.

The problem with toxins is that once they enter the body, it is quite difficult to remove them. Our bodies get overwhelmed and severe symptoms can result. The term Toxic Body Burden (TBB) is used in reference to toxic heavy metals, synthetic chemicals, and pathogens that enter and accumulate in the body.

Linus Pauling, winner of two Nobel prizes, believed that 90% of all medical conditions are attributable to excessive heavy metals, toxins, and toxic chemicals, mineral and trace mineral deficiency.

Zeolite Removes Toxins
So what to do? How do you protect you and your family from heavy metal toxicity? For thousands of years, civilizations have used Zeolite as a traditional medicine. More recently, Zeolite powder was given to victims of the Chernobly fallout to reduce radiation levels in their bodies.

Zeolite is a group of minerals with a honeycomb structure, rare among minerals, and is highly negatively charged. The effect is that Zeolite draws to it, in a sequential manner, heavy metals and toxins and engulfs them. The heavy metals and toxins, (including yeast) are then safely and harmlessly removed from the body through the normal digestion process.

Zeolite binds with mercury first and lead second, moving on to additional toxic heavy metals and chemical toxins which may include pesticides, herbicides, plastics, and even radioactive particles without removing nutrients such as calcium and magnesium.

Zeolite does even more for our body.

  • Zeolite removes free radicals. It's unique crystalline structure traps and captures free radicals. Once trapped in the Zeolite, the free radical is inactivated and then safely eliminated from the body.
  • Zeolite has broad-spectrum antiviral properties that fights viral infections by attracting and binding viral sub-particles and inhibiting viral proliferation.
  • Zeolite supports proper PH levels of the blood between 7.35 to 7.45. It is vitally important to maintain an alkaline environment in the body.
  • Zeolite may help eliminate carcinogenic toxins from the body especially those called nitrosamines.
  • Zeolite promotes healthy digestion and encourages nutrient absorption.

Google Zeolite today and read more about Nature's Miracle Mineral. I read what I can to ensure my health and that of my family. Then email to try the purest and surprisingly least expensive form of Zeolite on the market today. Additional information can be found at

A Quick Testimonial
My son returned from a 2-year mission for our church the first of March 2009 with some type of stomach problem. Every evening his stomach would start to churn, cramp and cause lots of pain and discomfort. We visited out family doctor who said he probably was just getting used to different eating habits now that he was back home and it should go away. But it didn't. (He had served as a Spanish speaking missionary to Hispanics in Canada and was fed very well!) Finally, I got him to take Zeolite each day and after a few days he noticed a decrease in the symptoms. Now, a few months later, he only occasionally has the symptoms and when he does, he just takes another dose of Zeolite and he feels better almost instantly.

Email for information on how you can try the most powerful form of Zeolite on the market today. Don't settle for liquid forms that are less parts per million. Try the purest form for the purest and most powerful results. Start your journey back to living the good life!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Zeolite helped my pain!

My name is Kathy Tolleson and I want to share my story with you. I am a wife and mother of 4 kids living a good life and had been fairly healthy until about 10 years ago when I started having pain in my bladder causing me to go the the bathroom way to frequently. Now those that know me well, know that I am a pretty private person and hate to talk about things like this, but I feel like I need to share what I have discovered. I live with the almost constant pain and frequent trips to the bathroom during the day and at night. I lose sleep due to the fact that I go between 3-6 times at night. During the day, this interrupts my work, my play and taking trips is a nightmare and sometimes causes me to have panic attacks. I didn't know what I had and doctors couldn't really help me. But I was finally diagnosed 2 years ago with interstitial cystitus which I had never heard of but evidently affect millions of people, mostly women.

Interstitial cystitis (IC) is pelvic pain, pressure, or discomfort related to the bladder typically associated with urinary frequency and urgency, in the absence of infection or other pathology. IC is also called chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS), painful bladder syndrome (PBS), and bladder pain syndrome (BPS).

I tried Elmiron and Amitriptyline, which gave me little if any relief. I don't like taking pharmaceuticals, so after about 9 months I stopped the treatment. I tried Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) which has both anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It gave some pain relief for a short time, but wasn't fun to have administered and left me uncomfortable for a few days after.

In January 2009, I learned my brother was going to be in Las Vegas to attend a health fair and introduce a mineral that he had been researching. Now Vegas is only about 2 hours from my home in St. George, so I decided I would meet him there to mainly visit with him and see what he was up to. I had last seen him in Oregon at my parents 55th wedding anniversary party, and when I saw him in Vegas, I couldn't believe how good he looked. He literally looked about 10 years younger. It turns out, he has been working with a company that mines the largest deposit in the world of a mineral compound called Zeolite. I had never heard of this before and wasn't too interested but out of courtesy I listened to what he had to say. First though, he told me that this mineral could be made into a very beneficial facial, and he mixed up a batch right then and we all tried a facial. Evidently, this is what he had been using and why he looked so much younger. So now he had my attention. While the facial was working it's magic, he told me more about this mineral.

What's so great about Zeolite?
Here's what I learned this mineral does:

  1. Re-mineralizes your body
  2. 100% Bio-available
  3. Balances PH levels
  4. Free radical reducer
  5. Supports immune system function
  6. Boosts energy levels
  7. Reduces fatigue
  8. Increases assimilation
  9. Removes heavy metals and toxins
  10. Visibly decreases wrinkles when used as a masque
  11. Has been shown in several scientific studies in the US and Europe to destroy cancer cells!
  12. Has been shown in many studies throughout the US to be effective in people who suffer from Autism
  13. Soaks up radiation
  14. Removes Viral Particles

Wow! Really?
Wow, I was pretty skeptical about all this, even though my brother sounded extremely knowledgable and cited several doctors and scientists who have been studying the benefits of the mineral. But I decided to meet him at the health fair the next day to see what the response would be with the Vegas health nuts. (Oh -I almost forgot. The mineral facial made my skin feel amazing, didn't dry it out, and gave it a beautiful glow.) The next day I watched as my brother helped apply facials to women, and applied poultices to achy joints and swollen ankles. The response was immediate and surprising. One women said her ankle had been broken multiple times and was constantly in pain and always swollen. She put the mineral poultice on it and within 30 minutes, the swelling was gone, and she was almost completely free of pain. Another woman, put the poultice on her hand because she had arthritis pain. Again, after 30 minutes, she had almost full range of movement and no pain, plus it made her hand look great.

Needless to say, I was impressed. I decided to try the product myself, so at the end of the day, I said goodbye to my brother, and drove home with 2 pounds of Zeolite. I then did some searching on the Internet about Zeolite and found to my amazement, that a woman had tried a liquid Zeolite and had some success in relieving her pain with IC. What? I had not expected this! So I decided I would try taking 1 tablespoon every morning and every night with water. I wanted to track my progress, so I made a chart to monitor how much liquid I drank, what food I ate, how many times I went to the bathroom & how much pain I was in during each trip. I also checked my ph level every morning.

Zeolite Has Changed My Life!
Here's how it went for the 10 days that I charted my progress during 24 hour periods from 12:00am - 11:59pm:

  • Day One: PH Level 5.8; 72 ounces of liquid; 20 trips to the bathroom; Pain Level=strong
  • Day Five: PH Level 6.0; 72 ounces of liquid; 15 trips to the bathroom; Pain Level=medium
  • Day Ten: PH Level 6.8; 72 ounces of liquid; 14 trips to the bathroom; Pain Level=low-med

I was thrilled! I am sleeping better because I only need to go to the bathroom between 1-3 times. I am more productive at work. My concentration and memory is better and I have more energy.

Anyone who lives with IC knows about flares. They are the devil! For me, when I have a flare, I am going to the bathroom every 10-15 minutes for 1-2 hours. It is torture and is painful the entire time. Your mind can not concentrate on anything else other than relieving yourself of the pain in your bladder. Since taking the Zeolite, I rarely have a flare, and when I do, they are not as severe. Where I used to have at least one a day, I now only have one a few times a week. My IC is not completely gone, but I can tell you that it is so much better and continues to improve day by day. It took me ten years to get like this, so it's only natural that it will take some time to recover.

Zeolite is Safe to Use Internally and Externally
Zeolite has been approved for internal use by the U.S. FDA and given a G.R.A.S. rating which means "Generally Recognized As Safe". Through extensive testing they have found that the quarry which is one of the largest in the world, is 90% pure Clinoptilolite. The mineral is mined and processed into poweder. It then goes through an enhanced process to produce a 500-mesh product, which is equal to 25 nanometers, and then is ready for consumption. Zeolite contains a group of minerals that are highly negatively charged. These negatively charged minerals were formed when molten lava from ancient volcanoes mixed with sea water. This mineral has been shown to remove heavy metal, toxins, and other compounds from the body, balances the body's PH Levels, and supports a healthy immune system. They do this through their unique crystalline structure of cavities and cages that trap these substances and remove them safely and naturally from your system. This Zeolite is packaged in it's natural state. Because there is NO mixing agent, there is NO opportunity for mold, bacteria, or fungus to grow. You can mix it with juice or water and drink immediately.My story is just one of the many success stories from using this amazing natural mineral called Zeolite.

"I was diagnosed with cancer the size of a baseball on my chest. I started taking Zeolite and after about one month, it dried up and fell off. I have begun to regain weight that I had lost due to the cancer and can now work again in my garden".
S. Grants Pass, OR

"What Zeolite has done for me! I am a 77 year old lady who had some sever health problems and began taking Zeolite the first of April 2009. Within about a week of taking it internally, there was a noticeable difference in my energy and people noticed a difference in my skin tone. They asked if I had done something different with my make-up. They were informed that the only difference was taking Zeolite internally and using it as a facial. It has definitely been a personal miracle for me". B. Oklahoma City, OK

Zeolite has been studied extensively in lavs in Europe. In one such study, Zeolite was studied for its effectiveness as an anti-cancer agent. By activating the timor suppressor gene P2, Zeolite halts and destroys the growth of tumor cells. 65 terminally ill patients in various types of stage 4 cancer and a prognosis of 2 months to live were given a Zeolite regiment. After 1 year, 51 of the 65 were entirely cancer free. That is a 78% cure rate. In in-vitro studies, all cancer cells were destroyed in 72 hours. You can see highlights of this study at under Colloidal Zeolite.

New studies are emerging everyday! Truly I could go on and on about the absolutely miraculous effects of Zeolite, but don't just take my word for it. I encourage you to try it and see for yourself because then and only then will you know that what I am saying is true. Remove the toxins that exist in your body so that you can live your life healthy, pain-free, and full of vitality.

Email me at to start trying Zeolite today!