I went to my urologist yesterday to see if there were any new treatments or procedures for Interstitial Cystitus (IC). I'm not interested in pharmaceuticals that have a million side effects. I was hoping for some type of laser surgery or something like that.
Bad News: Unfortunately, there isn't anything new. We talked for a bit about the improvements I'm seeing with Zeolite and trying to change my diet to less acidic foods.
I told him I was a little concerned because I was having some additional pain where I haven't seen it before even though I'm able to wait for longer periods of time before using the bathroom. He asked me what type of IC I had and I guess I didn't realize there were 3 types. I didn't really know so he looked back through my file.
Evidently I have all 3 types: ulcers in the bladder, the lining is thinning, and bumps on the lining. I hope I got that right. He informed me there isn't a cure, just various types of treatments which don't always work. I was on Elmiron and Amitryptiline for 9 months but didn't feel good taking those drugs especially the anti-depressant.
Good News: But the additional pain I'm experiencing is kind of good in a way. I've been able to wait longer to go to the bathroom most of the time, but in doing so, it causes some tearing of the lining and slight bleeding occurs which results in pain. But this is a good sign because he said it's trying to heal and the bladder is expanding.
Then he told me that he was "proud" of me. This statement took me a little by surprise and also made me tear up. He said many of his patients that are in the same condition as I am, end up in the emergency room every 2-3 weeks because they can't deal with the pain. And there are others who take a lot of pain medication and then move on to narcotics which actually exacerbate the pain over time. He is impressed and pleased that I am trying to make changes without drugs.
In addition, he checked my pH level and it is now at 7. This is where is should be. When I first started using Zeolite it was at 5.8.
So even though he tells me there isn't a cure, I'm going to prove him wrong. I believe that by providing an alkaline environment through the use of Zeolite, and eating and drinking properly, I CAN reverse this condition.
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